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Interpreted code and performance

High performance computing and interpreted languages are usually phrases that tend not to show up in the same sentences. That is a pity I think. The functionality I hope to build into the TONS system would not be possible, or at least close to impossible, if we had to compile the user code (in the normal meaning of the word ``compile'').

There is only one problem with interpreted languages, that keep us from using them in scientific computing; performance. That, however, should be a non-issue in most cases, if the language we interpret is designed carefully enough.

The absolute majority of scientific computing code deals with repetitive tasks. It can be anything from traversing a set of molecules in a molecular dynamics (MD) program, to approximating the solution to a system of non-linear equations. We usually work with sets of numbers, not single numbers. And we usually work with sets that are either large (matrix multiplication or LU factorization comes to mind), or has a simple relationship (eg. adjacent molecules in an MD simulation).

If the interpreted language provides ways to deal with these set operations effectively, the number of interpreted instructions will be very small, compared to the number of compiled and highly optimized instructions the TONS system will be executing to actually solve the problem.

For example, if the interpreted language provides a mult instruction, that performs a matrix multiplication, the difference between the performance of the interpreted language, and any compiled language (C, Fortran, etc.) will only be the overhead in the virtual machine for recognizing the mult instruction. The real code that executes the $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$ operations is highly optimized machine code in either case.

Thus, a carefully designed interpreted computing language should be able to execute at a speed close to that of a compiled language, for a very large class of problems.


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